#11 The Ultimate Golf Experience - Links Golf in Ireland
These are links to the courses we´ve played. Here you can check out greenfee prices and you can book your tee time:
https://www.portmarnockgolfclub.ie/ https://www.kclub.ie/ http://theeuropeanclub.com/home.html https://www.oldhead.com/ https://www.dooks.com/ https://www.watervillegolflinks.ie/ https://www.dinglelinks.com/ https://traleegolfclub.com/ https://www.ballybuniongolfclub.com/ https://lahinchgolf.com/ https://www.trumpgolfireland.com/ http://www.carnegolflinks.com/ https://enniscronegolf.com/
Thanks to Tentacle Sync. They do have the perfect audio recording equipement and time code synch tools: https://tentaclesync.com/
Sorry about the audio quality on this episode. It was the only chance to record this episode while we were driving. Otherwise we would have missed a day of golf…
If you want to build a house. Check out Barts company! Stillwater Construction in Bend, Oregon: https://stillwaterconstructionbend.com/
And here you´ll find Be Good! Golf´n Talk - der Podcast: https://golfntalk.com/
Of course, we are on Instagram. Here you´ll find lots of pictures and videos of the ultimate golf experience: https://www.instagram.com/golf_n_talk_podcast/
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